America's Best Dance Crew Wiki

Ill-emental performed by I.aM.mE.

Ill-emental was one of the Last Chance Challenges performed in Season 6. It features I.aM.mE. showing what elemental power they symbolically posses.


Pacman: I.aM.mE. We, we design unique 'till your eyes roll back to find your mind in pieces. Of a hole in a skull with a role to play and soul with a mark to make life make sense for free by never forgetting what we were ment to be: our identity.

Emilio: I am Earth.

(dance beat)

Chachi: I am Fire.

(dance beat)

Ja ja: I am Electricity.

(dance beat)

Brandon: I am Wind.

(dance beat)

Moon: I am Machine.

(dance beat)

Pacman: I am Water.

(dance beat)

So who are you? 

All: I.aM.mE!

People/Crews featured in this performance[]

  • I.aM.mE.
    • Phillip "Pacman" Chbeeb
    • Brandon "747" Harrel
    • Di "Moon" Zhang
    • Emilio "Millie" Dosal
    • Olivia "Chachi" Gonzalez
    • Dzajna "Jaja" Vankova